What is Columbi – what is the concept all about?


Columbi’s motto ”If truth be told” demonstrates the strength of the process.
Columbi uses F1 illustrations since their amazing speed, precision and co-operation of the pit-stop crews makes them the best in the world.

A truthful way forward
Columbi provides each participating individual with an opportunity to submit his or her subjective views. The subjective input, without bias or influence, shows the truth in the situation at hand. In using the subjective material and group analysis, Columbi creates the foundation for positive forward momentum.

A Columbi generally consists of two parts: a survey and a workshop or reporting session. The survey is conducted by means of a digital interview that provides an up-to-date description of the specific situation. The result is then either processed in a workshop where all participants jointly create activity plans or reported to the client with details and analysis.

The Columbi material always provide comparable quantitative figures as well as the subjective qualitative information that together displays the perceived current situation. Columbi provides a tangible way forward which, in a group workshop, also creates commitment and a true involvement in the way forward.

Carrying out a Columbi

In a Columbi survey, participants can individually and anonymously give their subjective views of a specific situation and describe what they perceive to be significant, positive or negative or to what extent, if any, they believe they can influence the situation. The group’s overall and combined results are then summarised in the statistical part of the Columbi report.

The survey generates a value, a Columbi index, which is a measurement of the situation at a given time. When the survey is repeated at a later date, the index number demonstrates the change over time.

The second part of a Columbi assessment, the Columbi Team Challenge workshop, is just as important as the survey. With this tool the team processes and analyses the results from the survey, puts together activity plans and sets goals. This is the key success factor for the team’s involvement and development.

With some Columbi tools the detailed report is presented to the client for analysis without further involvement from the respondents. One example is the Columbi Quality tool for the assessment of the clients’ view on delivered quality of products or services. The report shows the clients’ unbiased perceptions, a true view of that which is of importance.

Columbi will provide answers to questions that no one had thought to ask.